à l"exception de - traduction vers français
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à l"exception de - traduction vers français

L A L A; L. A. L. A.; L.A. L.A.

à l'exception de      
except for, excepting, save


exception handler
Special code which is called when an exception occurs during the execution of a program. If the programmer does not provide a handler for a given exception, a built-in system exception handler will usually be called resulting in abortion of the program run and some kind of error indication being returned to the user. Examples of exception handler mechanisms are Unix's signal calls and Lisp's catch and throw. (1994-10-31)


L.A. L.A. (album)

L.A. L.A. is a compilation album of the best of the music recorded by Stiv Bators at the Bomp! Records studios (other than his 1980 LP, Disconnected) before and after his involvement with the Lords of the New Church when he was attempting to reinvent himself as a pop singer. The title track about Los Angeles was a 10" single.